This entity is used to send different types of notifications like: -Email,Sms,Push,Browser
Value | Description |
_id Type: string | The unique identifier for the orders. This one is used for API purposes. |
name Type: string | This field contains the name of the notification. |
description Type: string | This field contains the short description about when this notification will be used. |
publish Type: string | Flag that determines if a category is published i.e. visible to users. |
group Type: string | This field describes the group_set of notification. There are three groups for notifications.
type Type: object | This field is array of object, used to define the type of notification you want to send. There are four types of notifications:
email Type: object | This field is an object containing information about email and its header info:- { "from_email": "[email protected]", "cc": ['[email protected]','[email protected]'], "subject" :"Order Confirmation", "message: : "Your Order with OrderId 504 is confirmed" } from_email: It contains the email id of the sender. cc: It contains emails to be kept in cc. subject: It contains the subject of email. message: It contains the message to be send in email. |
sms Type: object | It contains the message to be send in the SMS. { message: "test message" } |