It contains the details particularly the SEO related tags of the current page.
title | Title for the home page comes from the Settings > SEO section. If no title is specified then store name is used for title. For other pages, SEO.title is checked first and if not present defaults to the name/title field of the record. |
meta_tags | Meta tags for the home page comes from the meta tags in Settings > SEO section. For home page, the meta description defaults to the store description. For other pages like product, category, brand, collection and static page, the SEO fields are used for the value of meta tags. |
og_tags | Og tags for the home page comes from the og tags in Settings > SEO section. For home page, the og description defaults to the store description. For other pages like product, category, brand, collection and static page, the SEO fields are used for the value of meta tags. |
Value | Description |
name | This variable gives the name of current page. |
title | This variable gives the title of the current page. |
meta_tags | Contains the list of meta tags (description, keywords etc.) for the current page. |
og_tags | Contains the list of og tags (og:title, og:description, og:image) for the current page. |
<title ng-bind=""></title>
<meta ng-repeat="meta in" name="{{}}" content="{{meta.content}}">
<meta ng-repeat="og in" property="{{}}" value="{{og.content}}">