Custom conversions can be used:
- To filter events.
- To add standard events without supplementary code.
- To streamline on custom events and all URL traffic.
Following are some most useful practices for custom conversion setup.
- Before you create custom conversions, set up a Facebook pixel on your website, then, create standard events or custom events.
- Select the conversion event that you want to streamline as your website event.
- For example, if you wish to boost your website's purchases, select Purchase as your conversion event. You can only choose a conversion event that you've already set up on your website. If you want a standard game as your conversion event, you don't need to pick a category. If you select a custom event or all URL traffic, you don't have to choose a category.
- To optimize on all URL traffic or custom events, pick the most common standard event category to optimize on. Facebook predefines standard events (like Purchase or ViewContent), and they can be used for optimization. All URL traffic (arranged by predefined PageView events and part of your Facebook pixel base code) and custom events (anything other than a PageView or standard event) can't be optimized on their own. To use them for optimization, you can create a custom conversion and select the most similar standard event under the category. Choosing a category helps Facebook show your ads to people most likely to take that action.
- Click here to learn more about Facebook Pixel's Standard and Custom events.
- Custom conversions to add standard events can be used without any supplementary code. For this, you should have the pixel base code with the 'PageView' event on your website's page.
- For example, if you define all URL traffic as the website event, 'Purchase' as the standard event category and define URL commands for the transaction completion page of your website (for example, URL contains /thankyou.php), it would be similar to setting up a standard purchase event.
- Input the value as a whole number. You are not supposed to use any additional characters. For example, if you're selling cricket bats worth Rs 1500, use "1500" as the value. Conversion values let you observe your revenue on ad spends in your reports.
- Only use the value field if the events in your custom conversion that doesn't already have a conversion value.
- While adding a "URL equals" rule, copy and paste the exact URL. Facebook doesn't count a conversion if the URL doesn't exactly equate what you insert in the URL field for your custom conversion. You have to add the whole domain (for example, "https://www").
- For URL-based custom conversions, make sure that the URL web page has the pixel base code with the PageView event on it.
- Use standard events if you want to set up dynamic product ads. Facebook doesn't let you can't use custom conversions with dynamic product ads.
- Before you delete a custom conversion, change what those for which the ad sets are optimized. Ad sets optimized for removed custom conversions will still deliver but may start to function poorly because we no longer match or update the custom conversion.
- Use the minimum number of rules needed to create your custom conversion. The fewer rules you add, the larger your audience size. It helps you achieve more conversions.