Building an iOS App is the process of creating an iOS app to publish it that makes your IOS applications available to the users. You release your application through an application marketplace, such as an IOS App store. Building an iOS app involves the following five steps:
First of all, you need to register for the Apple developer program. To register for the Apple developer program, visit the Apple developer site and register yourself.
After you have registered for the Apple developer program, you need to generate the CSR and key. Apple requires a CSR for generating certificates. StoreHippo provides the support to generate the Key and CSR on its platform from the Admin panel. For more information on how to generate a private key and CSR, please refer to Generating Key and CSR.
Once you have downloaded the CSR (Certificate Signing Request) and private keys, you need to generate the certificate (.CER file) using the CSR file that you have downloaded. The certificate will be generated through the Apple developer site. When you have successfully generated your certificate, you need to generate a provisioning profile using that certificate. For more information on how to generate a certificate and provisioning profile, please refer to Generating iOS Certificate and Provisioning Profile.
Now, when you have a certificate, provisioning profile, and private key, you can upload them to your store. You need to upload the signing keys in the Mobile Apps > Mobile Signing Keys section in StoreHippo Admin Panel. Click here for more information on uploading signing keys to your store.
You can now create IPA on your Store. Go to
Once you are done with building the app, you now have to make your app live on the App Store. For that, you need to upload the build to the App store. You can upload the build using the Transporter application. To upload the app on App Store, you need to have the App Store Connect record for an app.
After uploading the build, you can submit your iOS app for review. Click here to know how to publish a mobile app on the App Store.