Nowadays data is the most important thing. Data privacy and protection has become the need of the hour. As per the GDPR is “designed to harmonize data privacy laws across Europe, to protect and empower all EU citizens data privacy and to reshape the way organizations across the region approach data privacy.” Seeking that the StoreHippo marketplace complies with GDPR very strongly. Let’s see how.
What We Do?
- Communicate: We communicate with the users by using simple language. Tell users who you are when you request the data. Say why you are processing their data, how long it will be stored, and who receives it.
- Consent: We do not take any data without the consent of the user.
- Access to the User: The user can access their data whenever they want. None of their data is hidden. Also, the user can view only their data which ensures the data privacy and protection of other users.
- Alert: For any change in the user’s data, the user is informed about that either via email or message.
- Audits: Security audits are being done from time to time to ensure that every data is secure.
StoreHippo Marketplace
- Data Encryption: For all sensitive data and information like user passwords, strong one-way encryption is used before storing the passwords in our system.
- Terms and Conditions page: At StoreHippo, a customizable Terms & Conditions page is available. Also, a checkout checkbox that users need to click could be placed. Amend your T&C page in regard to the new GDPR terminology and the gathering of customer data from the checkout page.
- Privacy Policy: The page that requires the most attention right now is your Privacy Policy page. This page informs the users of how the data is processed, collected, stored, and used. Just like the T&C page, here too users need to check a checkbox to “agree” to the privacy policy.
- Customer Registration: A customizable customer registration form. The form can be customized in such a way that the required information is collected from the customer. You can also add a Privacy Policy checkbox to the registration form as the personal data is being collected here.
- Seller Registration: Similar to the customer registration form, there is a customizable seller registration form. The form could be customized in such a way that the only most necessary details are being asked from the seller. Also, you can add a Privacy Policy checkbox similar to the customer registration page.
- Product Reviews and Comments: Product reviews are important for all online stores. StoreHippo provides you the full right to manage product reviews and comments. It facilitates the sellers to manage whether the users who are not logged in can leave a review on the site or not. Also, you can change the settings to allow only verified users to leave a review.