CAPTCHA is a service that protects your site from spam and abuse. It prevents bots from attacking your store.
StoreHippo provides the support for captcha in its stores to keep the spam bots away and offers safety and security to your site.

How to enable captcha in stores?
You can add captcha in any form. Let's take an example of captcha in the registerform. Follow the below-mentioned steps:
- Go to Site > Forms section of StoreHippo Admin Panel.
- Click on Register form.

- Click on Add Field to add new fields in the form.

- Provide the Field label as 'Captcha' and Field name as 'captcha' for latitude. Select type as 'Captcha' from the drop-down.

- Click on Save to save the changes.
- The form is displayed on the storefront as shown below.

Note: The captcha field type should be captcha and it must be a required field. Charges will apply as per the selected plan