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Mobile Apps

StoreHippo lets you create a fast and intuitive mobile ecommerce solution in no time. The creation of mobile apps is the built-in feature available to all StoreHippo stores. You can build mobile apps for Android and iOS devices without needing to write a single line of code. You can also make mobile-ready stores and attract mobile customers to your store by choosing from StoreHippo's extensive range of mobile responsive themes.

Go to the Mobile Apps section in StoreHippo Admin Panel to manage Mobile Apps. 

Within the Mobile App section there are the following sub-sections: 

Mobile Apps

Mobile apps can be created for Android and iOS directly from your dashboard. StoreHippo gives the platform to easily build mobile apps without the need to write any code. To create iOS and Android apps, refer to Building mobile apps.

Mobile Users

Mobile Users are the users who are accessing a particular Mobile app. They may be accessing the mobile app on their phones. Selecting a specific mobile user shows their UUID, Date and Time of registration, device information, and other information. You can search for a particular Mobile user by their UUID.

Mobile Signing Keys

You will need to create signing keys for your mobile apps. Signing keys can be created for the Android App as well as for iOS App.

Push Notifications

Push notifications are the mobile alerts or messages that pop up on the mobile device of the user who has the app installed. App publishers can send push notifications at any time. 


Q. What should I keep in my mind when publishing an App on Google Play Store or Apple App Store?
The things that you should keep in my mind when publishing an App on Google Play Store or Apple App Store are:
  • Add SSL support to your website
    • If at a later stage you decide to add SSL support to your website, then the existing app order could be affected as the handshake between the app which doesn't recognize that you have added SSL and the backend that knows about the change.
  • Send Push Notifications to the users
    • We support automatic Push Notifications for Android, but for iOS app, Push Notifications to need to be enabled during the generation of the signing keys. Refer iOS Push Notifications to enable Push Notifications for iOS.
  • Check the size of the app.
    • If the size of the app is greater than 10MB, then your users would hesitate to install the app. The main factor that will reduce the size of the apps is the splash and the icons images.
    • Keep simple Splash and icon images that look good and takes less space.
    • Avoid using high-resolution images with extra layers for splash images.