Order Pending Approval Notification is the notification sent to customers once they place an order and their approval is required.
Email Key: order_pending_approval
SMS Key: order_pending_approval
Dear {{user.name}}, Thanks for placing an order with {{store.title}}. We have received your order of amount {{amount}} and it is currently awaiting approval.
Dear {{user.name}}, Thanks for placing an order with {{store.title}}. We have received your order of amount {{amount}} and it is currently awaiting approval.
Order object contains the order details and has the following variables:
order.order_id: Returns the id of the order.
order.billing_address: Returns the billing address of the user.
order.additional_charges: Returns an array of additional charge applied on the order.
order.shipping_address: Returns the shipping address of the user.
order.item_count: Returns item count or the order.
order.status: Returns the status of order i.e open, close, canceled.
order.items: Returns an array of items for the order.
name: Return the name of product ordered.
product_url: Returns the URL of the product ordered.
weight: Returns the weight of the product ordered.
price: Returns the price of the product.
list_price: Returns the compare price of the product.
discount_total: Returns the price of discount applied to the product.
taxes: Returns an array of taxes which is applied to the product.
taxes_total: Returns the total price of taxes applied to the product.
thumbnail_url: Returns the URL of the product image of 100 x 100.
image_url: Returns the URL of the product image of 1024 x 1024.
quantity: Return the ordered quantity of the product.
total: Returns the total price of the product.
order.email: Returns the email id of the user.
order.discounts: Return the available discounts applied on the order.
order.discount_total: Returns the total of the discount applied to the order.
order.shipping_method: Returns an object of shipping method applied.
order.shipping_method_name: Returns the name of applied shipping method.
order.shipping_total: Returns the total of shipping applied.
order.currency: Returns a currency object which contains name, symbol, conversion_rate, decimal_points.
order.taxes_total: Returns the order's tax price.
order.wallets: Returns an array of applied wallet.
order.ecoupon: Returns an object of the applied coupon which contains name, discounts and coupon code.
order.txn_id: Returns the transaction id of the order.
order.price_type: Returns the type of tax applied to the order (inclusive or exclusive).
order.total: Returns the order total.
order.created_at: Returns the timestamp of when an order was created. Use the date filter to format the timestamp.
Store object is available for store information and has the following variables:
store.title: Returns the title of the store.
store.url: Returns the store URL.
store.logo: Returns the logo image URL.
It contains the information about the user and has the following variables: