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StoreHippo provides different options to ship your orders. You can manage the shipments for your orders in Orders > Shipments section in the StoreHippo Admin Panel.

Once the pickup for an order is arranged, you can manage the corresponding shipment from the Shipments section. 

Shipment Attributes

In the shipments section, you can view the list of all of the shipping charges applied till date. The entry will also show the tracking number, order ID, shipping service used, tracking & shipping status along with the shipment charges.

Field Description
Tracking Number It is a unique number provided by the shipping provider through which you can track the shipment.
Service It shows the name of the shipping service used to ship the shipment.
Order Id It shows the order ID associated with the shipment.
Weight It shows the weight of the package.
Price It shows the shipping charges. If there is any adjustment then the updated price will be shown.
The original price will be shown stricken through. 
Created On It shows the date-time when the shipment was Manifested.
Tracking Status It shows the status of the shipment as shared by the tracking API of the shipping provider

Search and Filters 

When there are various shipments and you need to filter specific shipments out of the list, you can easily search and filter the specific shipment(s) to process. 

You can use the quick search box to search shipments by Tracking number and Order Id.

You can also use advanced filters to filter your shipments based on different fields. Click on the filter icon on the left side of the search bar to access the filters.

You can filter the orders by the following fields:

  • Tracking Number: You can search for a specific shipment based on its tracking number.
  • Tracking Status: You can search for a specific shipment based on its tracking status.
  • Type: You can search for a specific shipment based on types such as COD and Regular.
  • Shipped By: You can search for a specific shipment based on logistic providers by which the shipment is shipped.
  • Shipping status: You can also search for shipments based on their shipping status such as Not Shipped, Ready to Ship, In Transit, Delivered etc.
  • Return Tracking Number: You can search for a specific shipment based on its return tracking number which is generated in case of returning the shipment.
  • Parent tracking Number: You can search for a specific shipment based on its parent tracking status which is generated in reference to the return shipment.

Import/Export Shipments

You can import and export shipments in bulk through the CSV file. StoreHippo provides the option to import and export shipments to update the status of the shipments in bulk. You can export the shipments, update the status of shipments and import the CSV file back by clicking the ellipses button at the top right corner. 

Operations on Shipments

The StoreHippo Admin Panel allows you various actions for managing your shipments. The operations allowed on shipments are as follows:


Click on View to view the details of shipment such as shipping charges, tracking details etc. 

Issue escalation

Escalate the issue, in case there is a delay in arranging shipment by the logistics provider or any other similar concern.

Raise dispute

Raise a dispute regarding a shipment which is lost, or which has been charged extra, etc. 

Cancel shipment

Cancel a shipment so that you can reschedule the pickup of the order either through the same or different logistics provider.

Get history

View the invoice and history for the adjusted shipping charges

Get Adjustment

In certain scenarios, the shipping charges visible to you at the time of shipment might differ from what logistics providers charge at the time of billing. You can view the adjustments made to your shipping charges at the time of billing (if any) in the Shipments section.

Shipping adjustments are applicable only when you are using ShipKaro services.