Shipping label notification is the notification sent to with instructions explaining the next steps. The mail also includes the shipping label and invoice files as attachments.
Email Key: shipping_label_info
Store object is available for store information and has the following variables:
store.title: Returns the title of the store.
store.logo: Returns the logo image URL.
shipment object is available for shipment information and has the following variables:
shipment_data.store_id: Returns the store id.
shipment_data.store_name: Returns the store name.
shipment_data.order_id: Returns the order id.
shipment_data.oid: Returns the OID of the order.
shipment_data.seller: Returns the seller id.
shipment_data.tracking_number: Returns the tracking number of the shipment.
shipment_data.service: Returns the service provider. Returns the company data.
shipment_data.price: Returns the amount of the shipment.
shipment_data.charged_weight: Returns the weight of the shipment.
shipment_data.order_amount: Returns the amount of the order.
shipment_data.fulfillment_id: Returns the id of the fulfillment created.
shipment_data.shipping_address: Returns the shipping address.
shipment_data.pickup_address: Returns the pickup address.
shipment_data.tracking_status: Returns the shipment tracking status.
shipment_data.shipping_label: Returns the url of the shipment pdf.
User object is available for user information and has the following variables: Returns the email of the user. Returns the name of the user.
Order fulfillment object is available for order fulfillment information and has the following variables:
order_fulfillment_data.fulfillments: Returns the fulfillment data.
order_fulfillment_data.shipping_label: Returns the url of the shipping label pdf.
order_fulfillment_data.shipping_status: Returns the shipment status.
order_fulfillment_data.pickup_address: Returns the shipmnent pickup address`.