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Slab Based Pricing (Tier Pricing)


You want to create product options like 0-10, 11-20 etc which are available at different prices. On the product page, the option will be applied if the quantity falls within the range.



Follow the below-mentioned steps to set product prices with respect to product quantity in your store:

Creating Option Sets 

  1. Go to Products > Option Sets section in StoreHippo Admin Panel
  2. Click on Add New.
  3. Provide the Name as 'Quantity slab' and click on Add Options to add options.
  4. Enter Name as 'Quantity slab' and Display name as 'Quantity slab'.
  5. Select Type as 'Radio' from the drop-down. 
  6. Now, click on Add Values.
  7. Specify Label and Value both as '1-10 Qty' and click on Insert Values.
  8. Similarly, add the Value for '11-20 Qty', '21-40 Qty', and '41 and above Qty'.
  9. Select the Required checkbox and click on Insert options.
  10. Click on Save to save the option set. 

    Creating Options and Variants

  11. Go to Products > Products section of StoreHippo Admin Panel.
  12. Add/edit a product.
  13. Go to Options and Variants tab to add a variant for Quantity slab.
  14. Choose the Option Set 'Quantity slab' from the drop-down and import the option sets.
  15. The Name and values will be displayed as shown in the above screenshot.
  16. Click on the Automatically Generate Variants to create variants.
  17. Click on the vertical ellipsis button and choose to edit the variant.
  18. Edit the price and mention the new price.
  19. Provide the minimum and maximum quantity to buy the product. Click on Submit to save the changes.
  20. Similarly, update the price, minimum and maximum quantity of all the variants.
  21. Click on the Save to save the changes.
  22. The option of the product appears as shown below:

    Adding Tier Pricing via CSV

  23. Go to Products > Products section in StoreHippo Admin Panel.
  24. Click on the Export button to export the product CSV file.
  25. A dialog box for exporting file opens. Fill up the fields as shown below:
  26. Click on Send to Email. The CSV file is sent to you in the email or you can download the file from Export logs.
  27. View the downloaded CSV file. 
  28. Go to the option1_name column of the product for which you want to add variants. Then enter the value of the variant in the option1_value column. For example; you can put option name as 'Quantity slab' and option value as '1-10 qty'. You can provide option sets for your product variants in the option_set column.
  29. When you have entered all the desired variants, go to the Products section of the admin panel. Click on the Import button to import the edited CSV file.
  30. The dialog box for importing file opens. Upload the file in which you made changes and click on Import file.
  31. You can check the status of the imported CSV file by clicking on the notification icon or in Import logs.
  32. The variants will be updated in the admin panel and storefront.