StoreHippo allows you to maintain a track of sms sent or received via SMS logs. You can view order received, order confimation, notification sms etc. in the sms logs.
Go to Logs > Sms logs section in StoreHippo Admin Panel to view the email logs.
The SMS log recor contains the following columns:
Phone: The phone number of the reciever.
Message: The message body that has been sent to the receiver.
CreatedOn: The date on which the Sms log record was created.
Event: Whether the SMS was sent or recieved.
StoreName: The name of the store from where the log has been created.
StoreId: The ID of that store.
SentData: This column conatins shows the sent data i.e. receiver's phone number, country, and the message body.
Response: This column shows the response of the request as shown in the image below.
SmsChargeable: The amount of SMS charged for that SMS log record.
Status: Whether the SMS was sent successfully or not.
Gateway: The SMS gateway used while sending the SMS.
Actions: The Actions column conatins the list of the actions that can be performed on the SMS log record.
To add a new SMS log record, follow the steps given below: