The splash screen is the first image that is seen when your app is opened
You can upload the splash image while creating the mobile app build in Mobile Apps > Mobile apps section in the StoreHippo Admin Panel. While creating a mobile app build, you are required to upload a default splash image.
Now, in the Advanced tab, you are required to provide various splash images in the Splash Bundle field depending on the following conditions:
Name | Width | Height |
Default-568h@2x~iphone.png | 640 | 1136 |
Default-667h.png | 750 | 1134 |
Default-736h.png | 1242 | 2208 |
Default-Landscape-736h.png | 2208 | 1242 |
Default-Landscape@2x~ipad.png | 2048 | 1536 |
Default-Landscape~ipad.png | 1024 | 768 |
Default-Portrait@2x~ipad.png | 1536 | 2048 |
Default-Portrait~ipad.png | 768 | 1024 |
Default@2x~iphone.png | 640 | 960 |
Default~iphone.png | 320 | 480 |
ldpi.png | 200 | 320 |
mdpi.png | 320 | 480 |
hdpi.png | 480 | 800 |
xhdpi.png | 720 | 1280 |
xxhdpi.png | 960 | 1600 |
xxxhdpi.png | 1280 | 1920 |
For details related to clarification in above acronyms and Android image densities, refer
As per the latest Android update(Android 12) the splash screen to be used for Android needs to satisfy certain criteria mentioned in the link below. Please read the specifications thoroughly before designing the splash screen.
Please note that the name of the image and the image file should have the same name as shown in the table above.