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This widget is used to list the products on the basis of category, collection or a product alias.


grouptype The group type from which you list the products. Options are "category", "collection", "brand".
groupalias The group name on the basis of which you list the products. Options are alias of a category, collection or a product.
pagesize Used to limit the number of records or products you want to list.
filters Passes an array of objects as a filter to filter out the results on basis of some conditions.


Returns the array of products. Each product contains various details like name, price, compare_price, alias etc.
Returns the detail of the group
name Name of the group
alias Alias of the group
url URL of the group page. It automatically constructs URL based on the group type


Show Products from collection (vuejs themes)

<ms-products grouptype="collection" :groupalias="ms.variables.home_collection1">
    <section v-if="group.products.length">
        <div class="container">
                <a :href="'/collection/'+group.alias">{{}}</a>
            <ms-addon-slick-carousel class="slider" 
                :options='{arrows: true,slidesToShow:4,slidesToScroll: 1,infinite: true,dots:false,autoplay: true,autoplaySpeed: 2000,pauseOnHover:true,prevArrow: &apos;<div class="slick-arrow prev position-absolute d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center bg-secondary text-white" role="button" style="height:30px;width:26px;top: -45px;right:28px;z-index:1"><i class="bi bi-chevron-left lh-1 fs-5"></i></div>&apos;,nextArrow: &apos;<div class="slick-arrow next position-absolute d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center bg-secondary text-white" role="button" style="height:30px;width:26px;right:0;top: -45px;z-index:1"><i class="bi bi-chevron-right lh-1 fs-5"></i></div>&apos;,responsive: [{breakpoint: 1399,settings:{slidesToShow: 4}},{breakpoint: 992,settings:{slidesToShow: 3}}]}'>
                <template v-for="product in group.products">
                    <div class="items h-auto">
                        <w-product-grid-item :product="product"></w-product-grid-item>

Show Products from collection (angular themes)

<section ms-widget="ms.products" ms-data-grouptype="collection" ms-data-groupalias="{{ms.variables.home_collection1}}">
    <div ng-if="products.length">
        <a class="mobile-heading fw_500" ng-href="/collection/{{::record.alias}}">
        <div class="no_foundItem ms-flex-center" ng-if="!products.length">
            {{'No product found'|msT}}
        <div ng-if="products.length && (ms.screen.m_up)">
            <div class="slider" id="{{::record.alias}}" ms-data-interval="5000">
                <div dir="{{direction}}" class="collection-item-{{ms.user.language}}" ms-widget="ms.addon.slickCarousel" ms-data-use_theme='1' ms-data-options='{{collection_slideoptions}}'>
                    <div ng-repeat="product in products" class="items">
                        <div ms-widget="product_grid_item" class="coll-prd-grid-item"></div>