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Creating an iTunes Connect Record for an App

Before you can upload an app for distribution on the App Store, you create a record in iTunes Connect. This record includes all the information that appears on the store for the app, and all the information needed to manage the app through the distribution process.To add an iTunes Connect record for a new app follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to iTunes Connect on your homepage.
  1. On the iTunes Connect homepage, click My Apps. Following window appears:

The first time you see the My Apps page in iTunes Connect, it’s blank. After you’ve created your first app record, you’ll see it listed here.

  1. Click the plus sign in the top-left corner to add the new app. The following window appears:
  1. Select IOS platform and fill in the fields on the New App page to enter iTunes Connect properties for the app.

The following page opens with the following fields:


Select the Platform that you want. 


Enter a name for your App Record. This is not the name displayed in the App Store. To ensure clarity, we recommend entering the same name here as you do for the actual App Store app name.

Default Language 

Enter the language that your app's content and/or App Record are written in.

Bundle ID

From the drop-down list, select the App ID you created for your app. 


The SKU is a unique combination of letters and numbers, used to identify your app. Your app's SKU will not be visible in the App Store. Your app's SKU is not editable.

Limit User Access

This field allows the developer to put a check on the users who can access his/her app.

  1. Click Create, and watch for messages that indicate missing information.

  2. Open the App Details page for the app to access all operations you can perform on the app record.The App Store page opens with App Information selected, which is information that can be shared across multiple platforms.

Design Your App Store Product Page

Click on the 1.0 Prepare for Submission section. You will see a window as such: 

Screenshots and Details

When creating screenshots to be posted to the store, you need the specific size of screenshots related to iPhone or iPad. Specifications of screenshots are to be kept in mind while uploading them. You should always provide screenshots in portrait or landscape mode and use the highest resolution Retina devices to make the screenshots.

Next, enter your app's name. This is the name that will be displayed in the App Store. Your app's name can be up to 255 characters long. Enter a description for your app. Again, this description will be visible in the App Store for users to read. In the keywords section, enter some terms that accurately describe your app.  

General App Information

The General App Information section includes more public-facing information for your app. The app icon is the icon that will be displayed for your App Record in the App Store. The size of the image should be 1024x1024 px.

Choose a category (and optionally a secondary category) into which your app fits. It is important to select the most relevant categories in order to effectively target users who browse the App Store by navigating through app categories. You can edit your app's rating by clicking the Edit button next to the Rating heading.

Clicking this link will prompt a pop-up window to appear, where you can select any content that might change the age rating for your app. It is important to indicate if any relevant content is included in your app, to ensure your app is not rejected when reviewed by Apple. Go through and select an option for each type of content. Apple will calculate a rating based on your selections.

Uploading your iOS App 

Once you have fully configured your app and created an App Record in iTunes Connect, you are ready to upload your app's .ipa file (also referred to as 'binary') using Application Loader. To upload the app, follow the steps given below:

  1. First, download IPA from the Mobile Apps > Mobile Apps section in StoreHippo Admin Panel by clicking on Download iOS App against the app.  
  2. Open Application Loader in your mac and choose the IPA.
  3. Upload the file.

Your app's status in iTunes Connect will then change to Waiting for Review.

Submitting your iOS App

As you are done with the upload of your .ipa file you now submit your app for the review. After you upload your build to iTunes Connect, it needs to be processed in Apple’s system. After it finishes processing, Apple will send you an email. You need to mention your username and password under the App Review Information.

After filling all your details you now send your app to Apple for the review. If Apple rejects your build or metadata, the app status changes to Rejected and iTunes Connect users are notified of the specific issues. 
