Inventory is the quantity of a particular product that is available for sale. Inventory tracking can help you avoid selling products that have run out of stock or let you know when you need to order or make more of your products.

Inventory of the store is managed at
productlevel for products which do not have any variants. For products having variants, inventory of the product is disabled and you need to manage inventory at variant level; i.e., you need to specify inventory details for each of the variants or it will take the default inventory value set for the product.
For example, a product without variants has inventory = 10. Now, if you add variants to the product, inventory quantity for the product will be disabled and inventory quantity for all the options will be set to 10. You can now edit variants to change the inventory.
Inventory Management
Select how you want to manage the inventory of your products.
Don't track my inventory
You can choose Don’t track my inventory option if you do not wish to track your inventory. In that case, your product will never be shown out of stock and your customers can always place orders for the products.
Track my inventory
Choose this option if you want StoreHippo to track the inventory of your products. If you select this option, the inventory quantity of your products is updated automatically when an order is placed for that product. In the case of order returns or cancelled orders, the inventory quantity of the returned products is made available again.
Inventory Allow Out of Stock
By allowing inventory out of stock option, the customers of your store will be able to order the particular product even if it is Out of Stock. For example, if your store doesn’t have a product available right now, but the product will be available again in near future, the customer will be allowed to place an order without any hassle.
Inventory Quantity
It consists of the total number of product available in the stock for sale. For example, if you have 20 pieces of a particular product but at first you just want to sell 15 then your inventory quantity would be 15.