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Affiliate form

Available in Business Plan and above.

The Affiliate form is one of the built-in forms and is used to control the affiliate registration on the storefront. You can find and edit the affiliate form in Site > Forms section in StoreHippo Admin Panel

Your affiliates can view the affiliate registration form and register at the affiliate registration page( to register. In the affiliate registration form, there are multiple information fields that an affiliate can use to save the login and other required information for registration. The fields are divided into four sections which are explained below:

Affiliate Registration Page 

Default Fields

Affiliate Form has the following fields by default:

  • Email
  • Password
  • First Name
  • Phone
  • Last Name
  • Title
  • Logo
  • Website
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Country
  • Zip code
  • Pan Proof
  • Account Holder
  • Account Number
  • Bank Name
  • City
  • Branch
  • Ifsc Code

Adding a custom field

You might want to gather more information from an affiliate when they create an account in your store. To do so, you can add extra fields to the affiliate registration form.

To create a new field in the form to collect more information, click on Add field button which allows you to add a custom field.
