Click on the Export button to export all products or specific products for which you want to replace the images.
Adialogbox for exporting file opens. Fill up the fields as shown below:
Click onSend to Email. The CSV file is sent to you in the email or you can download the file fromExport logs.
View the downloaded CSV file. The CSV file appears like this:
Go to the image1 column of the product for which you want to replace the images. Provide the new URL of the image. Then enter the caption of the image in the image1_caption column and tags for the image in image1_tags. For example; you can replace the image by replacing the URL of the image "" with "".
If you want to replace more such images, replace image URL at fields such as image2, image3 and so on in the header column.
When you have replaced all required images, go to the Products section of the admin panel. Click on the Import button to import the edited CSV file.
Thedialogbox for importing file opens. Upload the file in which you made changes and click onImport file.
You can check the status of the imported CSV file by clicking on the notification icon or inImport logs.
The images will be updated in the admin panel and storefront.
The product will now appear on Storefront as shown below: