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This widget returns the list of categories in the hierarchical format.


Returns array of categories in hierarchical format. Each category has various detail about itself such as name, alias, image and etc.
name Returns the name of the category.
alias Returns the alias of the corresponding category.
image Returns the url of the image if the image is available within the category.
children Return a children object which is itself a category with same variables


Display all categories (vuejs themes)

    <div v-if="categories && categories.length">
        <h3 v-for="category in categories">
            <a :href="'/browse/'+ category.alias" title="{{}}">
    <div v-if="!categories.length">
        {{ms.filters.translate('No category found')}}

Display all categories

<div ms-widget="ms.categories">
    <div ng-if="categories.length">
        <h3 ng-repeat="category in categories">
            <a ng-href="/browse/{{category.alias}}" title="{{}}">
    <div ng-if="!categories.length">
        <p>No category exist!</p>