The Advance settings section contains settings like entities, metafields, hooks and access keys, etc.
Go to the Advance Settings section in StoreHippo Admin Panel to accessThe advance section contains the following subsections:
Entities are the basic building blocks of the store. StoreHippo provides the global pre-defined entities for common functionalities such as products, orders, etc. Stores can also extend their functionalities by defining custom entities.
Metafields are the extended entities that are used as an additional field in store's resources such as products, categories, orders, etc.
Hooks are the functions that are executed before or after a specific event happens on a store, for example, after a new customer is created, Before the products list or reviews listing, etc.
StoreHippo provides App Store which contains certain apps for configuring the services of those third party apps in your store. Along with these third-party apps, StoreHippo also provides in-house apps for extending the functionalities in your store.
The Messages section contains the list of messages which will appear on the browser when a user performs an event such as "Product added to wishlist successfully".
Access keys are used to authorize the access rights to resources such as APIs. The key generated can be used by anyone but can access only those APIs of which the selected user has the permission to access based on his role (admin/seller/user...etc.).
Login Providers allows you to set up social logins to allow your customers to log in using providers like Facebook, Google, etc.
Webhooks are HTTP callbacks that allow you to push real-time information to other applications in case of certain events e.g. when an order is placed or when a user registers on the site. A Webhook delivers the data immediately as it happens.
Faceted search is the flow of managing the filters in the sidebar as per the admin convenience, you can manage which all attribute filters you want to display in the category sidebar and in which order through Faceted search. A Facet group can have multiple fields and can define how they appear in the filters.
Roles are the permission granted to the users by the store admin. These roles are the set of permissions for a specific user. One user's permission to access the store can be different from the other depending on their roles.
StoreHippo lets you provide or customize commands to the existing roles in this section.
In the Service Workers section, you can add the external/third-party service workers. You can specify the service worker URLs which are imported by the default StoreHippo Servicer Worker.